Wednesday, January 31, 2007

The Power of Gratitude in the Law of Attraction

The new video has been added to The Videos about Manifestation and Self Improvement.

Carol Tuttle, Master Energy Therapist teaches a simple energy clearing technique to help you express more gratitude and joy this season.

Click Here to Watch.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

How To Manifest Using the Law of Expansion

By Anne Hartley

I stumbled across the law of expansion accidentally more than 20 years ago, when I was working with a client to improve her financial situation.

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Law of Attraction

I've just received the new and FREE e-book about the Law of Attraction. I haven't read the whole book myself yet, but below are some reviews of the book.

Click Here to get the free e-book.

"By Far The Best Book written on the Law of Attraction"

"Having read numerous books on The Laws of Attraction. David Hooper has managed to give you the reader, a dozen books or more in this one 80 page book."

- Harold Mccune (Spokane, WA)

"The Secret is Revealed!"

"I have been a trainer, mentor and professional salespereson my whole life and I finally understand why some people succeed so easily while others work 10x as hard and fail miserably. Very well written and easy to follow plan for success. I only wish I had this book 30 years ago!"

- Michael Domeck (Calhoun, GA)

"This book is a gem!"

"This book packs a lot into 70 pages, and is a very effective guide for how to incorporate the Law of Attraction into your life. The notion that the quality of our thinking affects the quality of our life is a time-honored idea, but David Hooper puts old wine into new bottles with this book, showing how the Law of Attraction can help us improve our relationships, our careers, and our health. Buy two copies of this book because there is undoubtedly someone you know and love who could really benefit from this book."

- Christopher Perry (Nashville, TN)

Click Here to get the free e-book.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Ten Steps To Manifesting Your Desires

By Jeff Staniforth

As the title suggests, This article outlines 10 steps you can take to start manifesting change in your life.

NOTE: Throughout this document we use the term `God’ to indicate a spiritual source or higher power. Perhaps you have a different word for it: Universal Flow, The Tao, Great Spirit, Higher Self, or The Source, for example. So wherever you read the word “God” just connect with the spiritual source of your own understanding.

Follow these 10 steps to manifest your desires:


When you start manifesting something, in your life, FIRST align with your inner power.

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Wayne Dyer Power of Intention pt 1 remastered

The new video has been added to The Videos about Manifestation and Self Improvement.

Wayne Dyer presents a very interesting view on the Power of Intention. He talks about the Energy, the Source, the Force of the Universe, God (whatever you call it) which we need to re-connect to.

Click Here to Watch.

Friday, January 26, 2007

Got Life?

Milk, as the T.V. commercial says, may do a body good; but, Manifesting does LIFE - your Life - that much better.

From candy bars to relationships … the stories are coming in. Things, events, and people are appearing in people’s lives, not by accident, but by conscious choice . . . and even by Unconscious thought patterns and counterproductive beliefs (yes, the good, bad, and ugly CAN be manifested).

Let me explain:

(( First the GOOD ))

One guy, I know, told me while doing errands he wanted a specific premium-style (Paul Newman brand, I think he said) candy bar so bad he could practically taste it. It wasn’t at the one local health food store that is normally the only place in town to get it. He was discouraged, but not defeated. To him, it’s the best-tasting, most scrumptious premium-quality candy bar in the world.

While driving back to work, he thought about it more - the type he wanted (white chocolate) and the reason for having it (a nutritious snack that would hold him over until dinner). 30 minutes go by and the thought leaves his head after being consumed back in the priorities of life (incoming calls and the business of the day). He stops to get gas at a convenience store that he has never stopped to get gas before. As he’s walking back from the back of the store with his beverage, he walks past an Isle of snacks. There, to his amazement, is one Paul Newman candy bar - just the flavor he was craving - sitting at the top of a shelf all by itself. It made his day!

So, you ask, what’s attracting a premium-brand, hard-to-find candy bar have to do with manifestation?


The real-life story above is a perfect example of one of the key principles talked about throughout our ‘Manifestation Portal’:


Some people might call the result of this man’s want ‘just coincidence’ … but, come on, is there really such a thing? Remember, if you are to believe and accept that your thoughts create your reality, then you can create anything you want, not by coincidence, but by allowing your thought energy to LEVERAGE the universe (this concept is talked about in one of my conversations).

Another mentor I interview puts it like this:

“If you’ve already had what you want to have again, the fastest way to manifest it a second, third, or forth time around is to appreciate it first by feeling the FEELING it gave you before. Then imagine, again, how it feels to have what you desire RIGHT NOW. Think, speak, and feel as if it has already come true.”

Here’s another real-life manifesting story by somebody who decided to share this with me:

As told in her own words:

“A lot of the conversations I’ve listened to, via your portal, over the past 3 days have really hit home for me - some were kind of painful at first … only because it’s not always easy to admit to yourself that you’ve been the one self-inducing the drama cycle … but, what I must tell you is that I, as you warned me about inside the MY STORY section, took my bad medicine in order to release what’s been blocking my progress in the relationship department. Everywhere I’ve gone over the past several years - places, meetings, social get-togethers - I’ve always experienced meeting the same type of man - cold, distant, cocky, not open. I was getting to a point of frustration until, one day, somebody came along and said, ‘_____, have you ever sat down and tried letting go of the past, by recognizing what you keep seeing in men is the result of where your attention has been. I bet you’re so afraid of not getting involved in another one-sided relationships, that you can’t even focus on what type of personality and character traits in a guy that you want to have NOW’.

“That was certainly a turning point for me, but I wanted to tell you that the information in your portal - especially the extensive report that lists 17 ways to unleash gratitude in your life - has taken the advice I was given and has really fleshed it out for me. Thank you, thank you, thank you … I will quit being unhappy about what I’ve had in the past and learn to be more present about what I want in a partner.”

This is a perfect example of another key principles talked about throughout our ‘Manifestation Portal’:


The ‘Law of Reciprocity’ basically says: whatever we see in the universe sees us. Whatever attitude, feelings, thoughts and desires we put out, regardless if they are negative or positive, return to us.

Ask yourself: “What am I feeling now?”

That one self-directed question can cause major changes for you. It determines what follows in your life.

In other words, from what I’ve learned throughout my conversations with these top manifesting mentors, your feeling about something (like, in the example above, a stereotype of the opposite sex) sets your vibration and the vibration (remember, its all energy) predicts what will come next. The key is to figure out, ahead of time, what vibration you set off about something.

For instance, if you’re unhappy about your “relationship”, do you think that will cause you to experience a much BETTER one ?

Probably not, right?

Here’s why:

Because like energy attracts like energy, and your vibration (feeling) about relationships is an “unhappy” one, you’ll continue to find and see even more people that you ‘think’ are making you even more unhappy about your relationships.

But, there is a way to change all this … a way to install a new vibration that will miraculously and quickly turn around whatever “unhappy” thing you keep experiencing.

You can learn the DETAILS from several of the conversations inside our portal.

Whatever you decide to do, always remember:

- Life doesn’t have to be a struggle. The purpose of your life is to learn, grow and develop, get fantastic results, and have fun while doing it.

- Everything you experience in your lives is invited, attracted and created by you. Consciously, or unconsciously, you create your own personal reality. The goal is to do the former.

- The universe, via the Law of Creation, bluntly says: “I don’t care or question why you are vibrating (feeling) a certain way - its your choice ya know. I simply bring forth the people, places, events, and things that match your vibration.”

- Beliefs shape the way you feel, think and act. The key is to have a method or person to help you dig deep enough to find out what you truly believe about something and then, have a method or person, to help you determine whether the belief is self-limiting or constructive.

- Using the Law of Gratitude is the one of the under-utilized methods to high-performance achievement and personal success because the grateful mind continually expects good things and it keeps you connected to your power of creation.

—> Our mission is to continually provide the most compelling, benefit-dripping, leading-edge information on the art & science of manifestation and all knowledge related to new thought spirituality and metaphysics. We house this inside our Desktop Manifestation Portal.

We hope to have you as a satisfied customer soon! It’s one of the best investments, in yourself, you can make.


Barry Goss is the author of The Manifesting Mindset – which can be downloaded for free HERE - and the co-Founder of ~ From asking the questions very few dare touch to being fascinated by the authors, coaches, healers, and spiritual guru's who do things in a seemingly 'magical way', Barry has dedicated his life to connecting with these the world's top manifesting mentors and sharing their secrets, techniques, and strategies with you.


Monday, January 22, 2007

The Energizer Joyner ….

By Barry Goss

When I first spoke to Mark Joyner on the phone, over 2 years ago, my energy level was instantly put on an imaginary screen in front of my face. Wherever I looked or moved my headphone-strapped noggin, there was this floating screen.

What was it showing me?

These flashing words: “Ramp it up buddy … this Man’s a mover, shaker, somebody who has quick wits and the mental energy of soda-pop gussling DJ.”

But, somehow I knew, this wasn’t just about feeling the rampant over-the-phone energy of somebody on a temporary ’sugar high’ - unless, of course, my mind thought, we was just excited to talk to me.

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Awakening To Purpose

Sunday, January 21, 2007

The Life Of My Dreams

A new movie (a few parts) have been added to Videos about Manifestation and Self Improvement

This is an inspirational movie, that asks vital for your success questions and looks at your life from a different angle. Featuring clips from Troy, Matrix, The Bank etc, original scenes and text, the film shows how you can have the life of your dreams.

At the beginning we see Brad Pitt (featuring a clip from "Troy") who "makes a grab for immortality" by killing the biggest enemy anyone has ever seen.

But not everyone is like Brad Pitt - "most people live lives in quiet desperation, they struggle from birth until death, they never achieve anything". How to raise yourself above those who will be forgotten by history, how to become free from fear, doubt and disbelief, how to live the life of your dreams - you'll know after you'll watch the film.

Great film.

Click Here to watch Videos about Manifestation and Self Improvement

Friday, January 19, 2007

Psychic Demand

Introducing a rare volume in a lost scientific course on success. This is the actual secret method used by Joseph, Abram, Moses, Plato, Phidias, Shakespeare and other legends throughout history.

Read this incredible true story and discover the secret that commands the universe, a secret you will be able to use, only minutes from right now...

Click here to read more

How to Set Intentions That Happen

This is an “exclusive” invitation that is only going out to our confirmed Forum and Portal Members (or, the lucky few who have come across or subscribed to this hidden gem of a blog).

Since I know you have a genuine interest in making 2007 your best year yet - one full of personal growth, financial prosperity, and ever- expanding breakthroughs, I'm excited to tell you about …

Click here to read more

Awakening to Purpose Home Study Group

Awakening To Purpose

I had a quick minute and wanted to let you know about a class that looks like it is really going to help a lot of people create a lot more joy and fulfillment in their lives. It's called 'Awakening to Purpose,' and it is now available as a home study course delivered by two authors whose works are really making a difference.

Awakening to Purpose Home Study Group

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Mind Programming

If you ever wondered how you can manifest the things you want easier and quicker, or how you can program your mind for success, happiness and prosperity you should check The Milagro Home Run Package.

Click Here

More Videos about “The Secret”

There are two more videos to watch about the famous movie "The Secret" at The Videos about Manifestation and The Law of Attraction.

You can watch the first twenty minutes of the movie

and " The Secret — Behind the Scenes".

Click Here to watch the videos.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Listen and Grow Rich

I've found something very interesting. It's the famous book "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill with enhanced learning technology on MP3.

Now because of that special technology you can absorb the knowledge immediately and easily.

Click Here

Saturday, January 13, 2007

The Metaphysics of Prosperity

By Randy Gage

You were born to be healthy, happy, and prosperous. You were born to be rich.

“Oh c’mon Randy,” you ask. “Do you really believe that everyone in the world can be wealthy?”

As a matter of fact, I do. Now I also understand that each person will only manifest their prosperity to the degree that they understand the consciousness that provides it. And I know there are a lot of confused people in the world right now.

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Over 247 Techniques For Achieving Your Goals

Friday, January 12, 2007

More about "The Secret"

There are three more videos about the famous movie "The Secret" that you can watch at Manifestation Videos.

You can watch Bob Proctor's "The Secret Summary", the first chapter of "The Secret" and "Quotations from The Secret".

Click here to watch videos about Manifestation and The Law of Attraction

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Carol Tuttle - Introduction to the Law of Attraction

Carol Tuttle Introduces you to the law of attraction and the power you have to create a prosperous, healthy, love-filled life.

Click here to watch videos about the law of attraction and manifestation.

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

The Secret to Riches Visualiztion Tool

I found a fantastic tool for manifesting wealth. It's The Secret to Riches Visualization Video. You can watch the free video as many times as you want.

Click here to watch the Video

New Year's Resolutions

New Year’s Eve has always been a time for looking back to the past, and more importantly, forward to the coming year.

It’s a time to reflect on the changes we want (or need) to make and resolve to follow through on those changes.

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