Isn't it great to finally understand that nothing
is holding you back from succeeding except
taking action?
Bottom line: If you're persistent and take action
on a daily basis you can have success in your life.
Not convinced yet?
Ok, let's plod on because you will be.
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Special note: This website is giving away a
free CD that have inspired millions of people
around the world to be successful: FREE CD
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All you have to do is be persistent about working
toward what you want and BINGO! You'll get there!
Being super-smart has nothing to do with success.
The average guy or gal has the same chance of
success as anyone, as long as they work a little
every day towards their goal.
Isn't that great news! You don't have to be special,
or rich or have an advanced degree - you just need
to be persistent!
There is one thing you need to do to keep yourself
motivated toward success. At least it helps me and
I know it works.
"Real students of success love to read about
successful people in their chosen field."
Because you can 'learn' from them… see what
other successful people are doing - how they
overcame obstacles, setbacks and disappointments.
You can overcome anything once you know how
by using role models.
For example, great students of "creating wealth
from businesses" love to read 'biography of
successful entrepreneurs'.
If the idea of spending your whole week to
read a book turns you off, then think of it as a
learning experience.
If you still hate it... then you probably should consider
a field other than 'starting businesses'. There's no
shame in saying your just not cit out for it. Move on
and do what you really love.
You have a choice to make like find another business
to be in. I love marketing and self-improvement –
whether it's online or offline. It's the most exciting
business I can ever hope to be involved in.
But If I ever stop learning, I'm dead... you have to be
a “student” in business if you're going to succeed
online or offline.
Before I close today, I want to leave you with
an important point.
This lesson is pretty simple but very, very important.
What's the lesson?
Persistency is important to be successful. Second lesson,
ordinary people can be successful. It doesn't take
super-smart people to achieve that.
You "Chan" Do It!
-Patric Chan
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This article is authored by Patric Chan. You can now
discover the secrets of achieving success and creating wealth
from this amazing Audio CD for FREE today! Go to: FREE CD
(Free CDs are offered for limited time only.)
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Wednesday, May 2, 2007
A Real Secret About Achieving Success?
belief system,
goals setting,