Monday, February 15, 2010

Why the Secret Fails - Seven Secrets to Happiness

It's February and if you're like most people, guess what has happened to your well-intentioned New Year's resolutions? They've disappeared into the dark valley of shame, regret, and discouragement. Hey, I'm not any pinnacle of virtue either, that's for sure, but I really do not like feeling like yet another statistic when it comes to making lasting and positive changes in life.

That's why when I previewed this, I immediately wanted to write all about it too, because this IS the answer!

Forget resolutions and do THIS instead!

The reality is, my colleague Natalie Ledwell (one of the creators of Mind Movies) has hit the nail on the head with this video. Nat has worked closely with people who were involved with The Secret. In fact, she has used the law of attraction to reach a number of really phenomenal achievements in life.
But she quickly realized that something extremely important was missing from the message of the Secret, and it was causing a LOT of disappointment among those of us who want with all our hearts to attract our deepest desires into our lives--but can't seem to get there from here.

The difference between Natalie and "the rest of us" is that she set out on a mission to figure this out. And she did! Simply by putting her philosophy to work and PROVING it to herself first. And when she saw how incredibly reliably this works, she knew what she had to do: make it available to anyone who wanted to fully access the incredible power of the law of attraction.

You can actually get RESULTS by implementing a few very easy-to-understand concepts. It all starts with four steps you can take right now to get started. And you know what? It makes so much sense, it is so easy to do, and it WORKS! You'll see when you do it--things just seem to start falling into place to deliver your goals to you. But they key is actually DOING it.

Natalie shows you the way right here 

She clearly explains the four steps, and it's super easy to begin. Actually, I'm still shocked that she's giving this away, but she is. I watched this video twice, just to make sure I could jot down some notes on the steps and I have to tell you, I was so excited to get started with it, I began immediately.

I'm already seeing and feeling the difference this makes. Once you do this, anything is possible for you if you just follow these four easy steps!

Follow These 4 Easy Steps

I'm totally stoked about this, and I think you will be too. Because once you see how effective this is for ANY goal you want to achieve, I believe you'll be applying this simple but powerful formula to accomplish ANYTHING. So watch the video which is FREE, because Natalie just wants to get this
into the hands of as many people as possible so you can realize your dreams too. Oh and by the way, this takes all the struggle out of trying to keep your New Year's resolutions. It's a whole different
way of going after what you want with one big difference - It WORKS!

Natalie explains this totally awesome concept about creating your new life story. At first I wasn't sure if it would make a difference or not, but I can already tell you that it definitely DOES. Get started right here: What's Your New Life Story? 

I think Natalie presents the most practical Steps to Happiness

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Forgiveness and Inscribe Your Life

It's time to face the cold, hard, ugly truth: We each suffer at the hands of others

Those we love, those that anger or attack us, and even at the hands of strangers. None of us gets through life unscathed. But I believe conflict empowers us.

In his new video from Chris Cade, he shows how to explore the challenges and traumas and transform those stories into empowering vehicles for success and empowerment.

Watch the Video Now

I don't know about you, but after watching this video, I was acutely aware of traumas I've held
in the past, with a lot of guilt and anger about what others have done to me, and what I
LET them do to me.

It's not an empowering feeling. In fact it had given me every excuse not to try, not to dream
or hope, not to love.

What Chris articulates so well in this video is that these things that happened to me and the
things that have happened to you:

It's not anyone else's fault. It's not your fault either.

It's just one more story and it's the hardest thing for most people to change.

Chris invites us to unearth the story we may be holding - the story that leads either to hatred,
anger and guilt - or to forgiveness and abundance.

Inscribe Forgiveness & Empowerment into Your Life

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Longevity Now Program Review

Read Longevity Now Program Review

Whereas in the past people were willing to embrace their old age and accept the fact that we cannot live forever, in our days however more and more people are simply not to bring to go gracefully and instead they are determined to find a longevity program that may help. Lots of people now believe that there's a real chance of the average woman or man living to the ripe old age of 130 years without losing their vitality. In fact, the "Longevity Now" program which was put together by nutritional expert David Wolfe, is just the sort of program many people are searching for.

Unlike in the past when mankind would always place, the church or the environment first, we are now learning to put ourselves first, having realized that one can be selfish without having to be self-centered. As more and more people search for a longevity program which will help them to steer clear of illnesses, and which will assist in a fast recovery, it is with thanks to Wolfe's "Longevity Now" program that so many people are discovering that the best way for them to please the Gods, is to live long and healthy life.

Presently people don't think it's wise to believe that you should simply resign to old age, together with all the undesirable symptoms such as: slow reflexes, loss of hearing, fading eyesight, joint problems, cancer, arthritis, brain disease, and wrinkles skin. However, the only way we can avoid this is through longevity.

If you're in search of a longevity program, then it's safe to assume that you favor being able to prevent disease rather than having to cope with the symptoms. It also means that you want to live as long as you possibly can without being a victim of the illnesses associated with old age. That's right, why should you be willing to spend the last 25 or 35 years of your life rocking back and forth on a chair in a home for the aged. A longevity program such as the one put together by Wolfe, focuses on the importance of a healthy diet and also various herbs and supplements which are vital to your well being. A program such as this focuses on a diet which doesn't require that you starve yourself or that you avoid good tasting foods. The bottom line is; this sort of program focuses essentially on you, thus affording you a chance to look after yourself.

Longevity – what are some of the keys?

1) Strong mind and good attitude – having a strong mind and a good positive attitude where now you not only to deal with stress in the best possible way but it will also allow you to make the proper decisions with regard to your healthy life.
2) Healthy diet – it is essential that you include thefull variety of vitamins, and minerals and nutrients in your daily diet.
3) Activity – in order to maintain a strong heart, healthy mind, and strong muscles, one needs to take part in regular physical exercise.

The bottom line is; if you really want to live a long and happy life then a program such as "Longevity Now" can provide you with some life changing knowledge.

Watch David Wolfe Immunity Video