Sunday, August 31, 2008

Feng Shui Symbols for Prosperity and Abundance

Choosing Feng Shui symbols need not be hard. You don’t really need to stuff yourself with crystals, essential oils or other things that may not necessarily be in harmony with each other. The key to having good Feng Shui is balance, and you need to be able to have the qualities of balance to invite the good things and experience the pleasurable effects of Feng Shui in your life. There are many kinds of Feng Shui symbols, and you may have to orient yourself properly about these Feng Shui symbols before hanging any in your home.

To continue with the article go to: Feng Shui Symbols for Prosperity and Abundance

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

How to meditate?

Click Here to watch a video showing how to meditate.

For more videos about meditation go to: Meditation Videos.

Monday, August 25, 2008

“Enlightenment” Your 7 Days Program to Positive Thinking

I’m sure you have a bright idea hidden somewhere in the back of your mind that you just can’t wait to test out. Of course you’re not the only one with the bright idea. So what motivates you to churn those creative, or even inspiring juices to its utmost flavor?

It’s always best to set up a personal goal where you can accomplish the most in record time, maybe like mowing the lawn in an hour before the big game on TV. A correct and positive attitude in whatever you do will make things easier, and even enjoyable.

To continue with the Article go to: 7 Days Program to Positive Thinking

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Money Beyond Belief

If you want to create money beyond belief in the spiritual way. . . even if nothing has worked for you in the past, visit Money Beyond Belief to learn how to create wealth using Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT).

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Quantum Mind Mastery

The five keys to own your mind and live a life filled with purpose.

Watch Quantum Mind Mastery Video

To watch videos about Manifestation visit Manifestation Videos

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Abraham: The Secret Behind "The Secret"-Esther & Jerry Hicks

Abraham - via Esther Hicks - explains why there are two versions of "The Secret" DVD and why Abraham is no longer in the video. Recorded live at a 2007 Abraham-Hicks workshop.

Click here to watch The Secret Behind "The Sectret"

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Sixty Minutes to Freedom

Jo Han Mok, the bestselling author of "The E-code" is teaching now how to "...Discover How To Ignite The Explosive Powers Of Your Mind And Transform Yourself Into A Human Wealth Magnet For A Richer And Fuller Life!"

To learn how, visit: Rapid Wealth Activator